yups like usual ,baby sophie comes to storie morie
and today soo happy
(of course !! dpt jumpe nn HUBBY tersyang )
yups like usual ,baby sophie comes to storie morie
and today soo happy
(of course !! dpt jumpe nn HUBBY tersyang )
For today , we have a group going for beraye...haha (non-muslim nk beraye gak ke?? apehal plak x leyh an ??dosa kea?? ) no la just joking..so in our group we have 5 person - me, jeff ,fara,jay n iki.
wwaitt!!! all above semua single minglee aww...but got one exception..ME n JEFF =)
today schedule can kill seyh...four house in a row~ but we only spend 3 hours for 3 house haha hebat x?? where is another one? haa ini yg agak x puas aty ...cuz this house got no one in so cannot beraye.
today schedule can kill seyh...four house in a row~ but we only spend 3 hours for 3 house haha hebat x?? where is another one? haa ini yg agak x puas aty ...cuz this house got no one in so cannot beraye.
okay ...sorry to say ,today mcm lepas rindu giler2 kat capital J cuz 2 week din't meet oredy == smpai rumah kawan pn buat cm umah sendiri haha...what to do dah rindu giler2 but x over coz we think about my lil sista feeling.POOR THING ~ She just break up with his boyfie so we try not let her aggitated. Anyway ,Really so FRUST today cuz I get to know about the story about why and how sista's boyfie want to break up with her..Eyhh, I got a feeling wanted to kill that bitch or tear her into pieces ...sanggup dye rosakkn hubungan orang..WTFish ~ Grr sabar jea...
yay !! I can say all part of the trip was extremely fun...but one part is the best ,hubby hug me and we exchange KISS......haiyaaa ~ don't think jaoh2 !! we kissed each other on cheek only laaa ^^ hak hak
rugi x amik gambar ann...but after that I blush mcm cherry tomato la seyh >.< WE finished our trip by around 5 p.m. thats really tired , however we had lots of fun although there is a part which can make me burn on fire !! Anyway, I'am happy bcuz I get the chance to be with all the ones I loves
rugi x amik gambar ann...but after that I blush mcm cherry tomato la seyh >.< WE finished our trip by around 5 p.m. thats really tired , however we had lots of fun although there is a part which can make me burn on fire !! Anyway, I'am happy bcuz I get the chance to be with all the ones I loves

Melchiades Joeffrey Jr ^_^
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