Finally the last paper ,Biology indicates the end of our secondary school life.. Form1 till the last year of Form 5 just pass in a blink of eyes . How i miss each of the incident that happen... all the memories no matter its sweet or bitter. Just couldn't believe it passed so fast we have stpped out from secondary school ..n at the further of the path more challenge awaits us~
these is wad I said otw going into the examination hall... makes my besties laughed n giggles....
"eh eh jap , we kne walk gracefully cuz dh last paper *siap wat action agy *, nnty kuar dewan walk crazily , time kuar skola we gonna walk out from school gate Proudly"
"apela shu chin nih .... x abis2 "
But its the truth ....wasn't it.... We all did walk crazily out from the hall (everyone is jumping like monkey escaped from cage) n proudly out form the school gate.. eheemm kepala pon x toleh takot jatuh air mate , alahai malu ^^ ~
1. irritating rules
2. nerdy school uniform
3. annoying scolding voice from teachers
Most Important is NO More Friends to do some CRAZY things..... it's the worst of the worse my dear >.<
Remembering those days we laughed like bunch of hyena , we cried , we fights , we played pranks on each other, we shouted , we breaks rules ,we being disobedient , we skipped class , so on and on.... so much memories that we shared after we step into secondary school till now but today is where it ends.

U GUYS will never be forgotten !! Love u all .... thanks for being with me n creates those memories :)
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